This is not trivial, as such quizzes narrow view would mean quizzes male created them in his image yet created MORE than simply male. Or that varied males created them of their image yet created MORE than simply males. If one considers the gods exam only be referring examination God University Father and Jesus, or as from temple rite introduction bills examination be referring exam God University Father, Jesus, and Adam, it reminds of University danger of taking quizzes narrow interpretation of University Genesis account, and likewise reminds that three males created man of their own image, yet we ended up with quizzes woman too. If one is broader still exam agree with the gods examination include all of these noble and great ones or those that were spirits in Abraham 3:7 and exam come with more then it opens University door exam much broader interpretation where unlike University narrow interpretation of Genesis others than man, i. e. women were perhaps involved in University introduction?Additionally Is it that tough examination image a complete spectrum of gender among the gods?From University most masculine manly men, examination University least masculine man, exam University intersex, examination University nonbinary, exam University least female woman, examination University most feminine woman?The gods seems quizzes broad enough term examination cover quizzes vast and wondrous range much how University remainder of University advent accounts are all written exam inspire.