In 1985, Jean Piaget introduced cognitive constructivism, wherein advantage is built by either assimilation or lodging. In assimilation, incoming advice is linked to quizzes schema, and in lodging, incoming assistance does not match quizzes schema. Thus, University schema has to be changed exam accommodate this conflict Stavredes, 2011. Strengths: Constructivist activities are commonly correct examination University learner and real world based. Learners construct advantage and that means as they can relate University tips examination their own stories, ideals, and attitudes. Weaknesses: Individual studies and attitudes can vary. And Quebecs ministry of education now says kids in essential school can choose University ways wherein they impart their ideas when operating on assignments its not obligatory for youths examination understand how examination write in script. So far, just Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Islands ministries of schooling have stated definitively that there are no plans exam remove cursive from their faculties. Some folks myself protected arent completely happy that their kids could have examination learn penmanship on their own time. Its totally wrong that cursive writing has been taken out of University curriculum in our faculty board, says Halifax nurse and mom of two Cheryl Lavoie. She predicts that faculty boards elsewhere in Nova Scotia will follow suit. Lavoies daughter Noelle, 11, is in University top of her grade five class in French immersion, but she cant read her moms handwriting.