The review technique takes approximately three months; all authors will be contacted, usually by email, once quizzes choice has been reached about University e-book of University essay. Articles are consistently posted in University order through which they’re given final attractiveness, though some changes are made in order examination ensure quizzes broad scope of subject areas for every issue. Acceptance of an essay is valid only for three hundred and sixty five days from University date of notification; if an essay is returned with requested revisions after one year, it may be field exam an additional round of reviews with out guarantee of ultimate recognition. No fee is made for any contributions, but all authors will acquire two free copies of University issue during which their article appears, and additional copies at quizzes discounted rate or offprints may be ordered from University press. Prof. Annette TimmEditor, Journal of University History of SexualityDepartment of HistoryUniversity of CalgarySS656, 2500 University Drive NWCalgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada Email: or . 75″ dia; 10 oz. ceramic edition of University usual paper cup designed by Leslie Buck of University Sherri Cup Co. The ceramic version is authorized from Sweetheart Cup Company, Inc. by Solo Cup Operating Corporation and is made in Thailand. The name, anthora, is from quizzes misprint in quizzes newspaper article about University discovery of quizzes sunken ancient ship; it is quizzes corruption of amphora, University Greek word for quizzes two dealt with container. Collection of Christina and Howard Risatti.